Thursday, March 6, 2008

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I really enjoyed Kelly Kreis's remix project entitled "Changes". Not only did she use quotes from one of my favorite mind-screwers - I mean authors -, she also "cut them up" and "pasted" them into scenery in a way that made me reconsider the approach I had taken for my own project.

In her explanation of the project, Kreis echoes something that I came to realize as well while creating my own remix:

"...through the simple act of cutting up a sentence you can [create] new ideas and new phrases, each one dealing with how we change and how we are perceived."

Hiding the phrases in the pictures could help draw more attention to the words. This contradicted my reasoning behind not including pictures with my poems to keep them the center of attention.
It has inspired me to try using some pictures to accent my poems. If I use the right pictures and placement of the poems, I think that it might help to make my own project stronger.

I also thought that the water and the flowers helped strengthen Kreis's presentation. The symbolism emphasized the words as much as the pictures themselves.

In short, she had a lot of awesome ideas that were executed really well.

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